St. Louis City Board of Aldermen Honors

Laughing Bear Bakery

Laughing Bear makes a delivery to Straub's

Laughing Bear makes a delivery to Straub's

Laughing Bear Bakery, the non-profit, workskills recidivism program in St. Louis, was honored by the St. Louis Board of Aldermen on Friday, May 18, 2018.

Resolution #18, sponsored by Alderman Joe Vaccaro, honored Laughing Bear Bakery for its work to end the cycle of recidivism by providing paying jobs to men and women when they are released from prison.

Thank you to Alderman Joe Vaccaro (23rd Ward), Board President Lewis Reed, Alderwoman Christine Ingrassia (5th Ward), Alderman Shane Cohn (25th Ward) for your support and encouragement.

Please click this link to view the presentation of the Resolution. Advance to about 23:00 where our part in the meeting begins:  St. Louis Board of Aldermen Resolution #18.

Our high-quality, “from-scratch” bakery goods are sold through various channels around the St. Louis area.  Laughing Bear Bakery is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible.  ♥ Laughing Bear Bakery needs your help to continue helping others. Please visit our GoFundMe site and make a tax-deductible donation today. Thank you for your support!